What is SpinPoi?
SpinPoi combines gentle physical movement with mental focus through the practice of spinning a weight on a cord in circles around your body. SpinPoi doesn’t involve expensive equipment or workout gear, it can be done from the comfort of your own home, and it has been scientifically proven to benefit physical and cognitive health. Learn more about the benefits of SpinPoi by downloading our free guide.

Our Signature Poi Are here
With two decades of experience, we’ve designed the ultimate poi for comfort, performance, and quality—available only from SpinPoi.
What People Are Saying

Poi could potentially be one of the most affordable, simple and effective interventions globally to alleviate the growing amount of depression, loneliness and isolation in older adults.
Orquidea Tamayo Mortera
Auckland, New Zealand

Shortly after I started spinning I began to notice changes in my mood. I would find myself feeling positive about life. I no longer suffer from depression and my anxiety problems have greatly improved. I would recommend spinning poi to anyone, not only for the health benefits but for the hours of fun.
Bryan Kroh
North Dakota, USA

Poi has always been something I can lose myself in, and find myself in. It’s one of the most valuable tools I have to ground my emotions, distract from anxiety, and refocus myself – it’s a mental sanctuary.
Neebha Budhoo
Durban, South Africa
Why SpinPoi Works
Poi has the perfect mix of physical and cognitive elements to keep your brain and body engaged. It’s playful. It’s rhythmic. It’s challenging (yet achievable!). And it’s backed by rigorous scientific evidence: a clinical trial found that after just one month of poi practice, participants improved their grip strength, balance, and attention.

Ready to Start Your SpinPoi Journey?
Want to Take it to the Next Level? Become a Certified SpinPoi Instructor.
Transform your life while giving back to your community. Anyone can join the awesome team of SpinPoi Instructors who are improving wellbeing across 5 continents. No prior training or experience is required. Learn more.
The SpinPoi Story from CEO Dr. Kate Riegle van West
“I first discovered poi while performing in a circus, and I was immediately hooked. Just spinning it in a circle felt amazing! I became curious as to why poi made my brain and body so happy, but I couldn’t find any research on poi and health. With a burning desire to answer this question I quit my job at Harvard University and moved to New Zealand, where poi began, to conduct the first scientific study on the effects of poi on physical and cognitive function. The completion of this PhD research opened the flood gates for poi as a therapeutic tool, and I began working full time with individuals and organizations across the globe in using poi to improve quality of life. I never could have imagined that a ball on a cord would lead me on such a fantastic journey, and I can’t wait to share the joy and magic of poi with you, one orbit at a time.”
Dr. Kate Riegle van West
Founder and CEO, SpinPoi Ltd

From 1 to 101, SpinPoi is for Everyone
We have worked with people of all ages and abilities from across the globe, from those recovering from stroke to young learners with ADHD to high powered executives. Why is the magic of SpinPoi is universal?
✔︎ SpinPoi combines gentle physical movement with mental focus, helping your mind and body connect, relax and de-stress
✔︎ You don’t need expensive equipment or workout gear, and it can be done from the comfort of your own home
✔︎ SpinPoi is a fast track to inducing “flow state”, or being in the zone. Research shows that people are their most creative, productive, and happy when they are in a state of flow.
✔︎ SpinPoi is a great way to increase physical activity that is actually fun!
✔︎ SpinPoi movements are easily adaptable to accommodate all ages and abilities
Get Started With Your Free SpinPoi Guide
Our poi and wellbeing guide is the perfect place to start your SpinPoi journey. Learn about the history of poi, the health benefits of poi, and the next steps for starting your poi journey.