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Learn your first move: the Figure 8
Continue your poi journey with the SpinPoi Beginner Pack
The SpinPoi Beginner Pack comes with three video courses that will teach you the fundamentals of poi and how to connect poi movements into a flowing routine to music. Give it a try absolutely risk free with our 30-day money back guarantee.
The SpinPoi Beginner Pack includes…
Fundamentals Course
The Fundamentals Course will teach you the building blocks of poi from the ground up. By understanding the basics you will unlock the gateway to infinite poi movements and combinations.
Beginner Routines
The Beginner Routine Series will teach you more advanced poi movements, and how to connect those movements into a flowing poi routine set to music.
What People Are Saying

When I started spinning poi I noticed my thinking change to a more positive tone, and I felt my depression, stress and anxiety disappear. Poi helped build my self confidence, not to mention all the exercise I am getting on a regular basis.
Erika Anderson

Poi has always been something I can lose myself in, and find myself in. It’s one of the most valuable tools I have to ground my emotions, distract from anxiety, and refocus myself – it’s a mental sanctuary.
Neebha Budhoo

My passage into the art of poi has been beyond motivational, it has improved my overall physical, mental and spiritual health and given me the tools to maintain long term physical zen.
Tara Stratton
Why Learn Poi?
✔︎ Poi has been scientifically proven to improve physical and cognitive health
✔︎ Poi is a great way to increase physical activity that is actually fun!
✔︎ Poi is a gentle and rhythmic, and can help your mind and body relax and de-stress
✔︎ You don’t need expensive equipment or workout gear, and poi can be done from the comfort of your own home
The Mind Body Connection
The mind-body connection is the link between your physical and mental wellbeing. Mind-body practices like SpinPoi strengthen this link, and people who engage in mind-body exercises are routinely less stressed, have lower rates of depression, and feel more satisfaction with their life. In addition, mind-body exercises have been proven to achieve the same level of fitness as more strenuous exercise.
Try the SpinPoi Beginner Pack at No Risk with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
The Beginner Pack is perfect for anyone who is…
✔︎ Interested in learning the art of poi in an easy-to-follow way, from the comfort of your own home
✔︎ Looking for a gentle activity to help your mind and body relax and de-stress
✔︎ Looking for a way to increase physical activity that is actually fun!
✔︎ Interested in teaching others how to play poi
“Sitting is the New Smoking”
Sitting for long periods of time — such as at a desk, behind the wheel, or in front of a screen — has been linked with a number of health concerns such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. In an article by the Mayo Clinic, analysis showed that sitting for more than 8 hours a day with no physical activity posed a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying from obesity and smoking
The good news is, physical activity can actually counter the effects of too much sitting. Getting up and moving, even gentle leisurely movement, can have a profound impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. An activity like poi is the perfect way to break up long periods of sitting, and can easily be done in short stints either at home or at work..
A Message from SpinPoi Founder Dr. Kate Riegle van West
See how Kate got started with poi and how it has changed her life.
Start Your SpinPoi Journey Today!
Try the Beginner Pack absolutely risk free – if you’re not happy with the product for any reason, just let us know and we’ll refund your payment in full.
Want personalized training? Book a one-on-one session with Dr. Kate
Dr. Kate Riegle van West, Founder and CEO of SpinPoi, is the leading global exponent in poi and wellbeing. She completed her PhD on the effects of poi on physical and cognitive function, and has over 20 years experience working with individuals and organizations across the globe. Whether you want to improve your strength and flexibility, reduce stress, prevent injury, or just have a good time, a one-on-one session with Dr. Kate will give you personalized instruction from the very best. Learn more.