Poi & Health Articles
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Featured Articles

5 Ways Poi Can Help You De-Stress, Relax, and Improve Mental Wellbeing
With stress and anxiety becoming frequent guests in our lives, simple, affordable, and fun ways to relax and de-stress are more important than ever.

Early Research on Poi and Parkinson’s Shows Promise for Improving Quality of Life
Spinning a weight on the end of a cord in circles may be the next Parkinson’s physical therapy treatment.
Poi and Seniors

The Exercise Every Over-60 Should Be Doing
Over Sixty chats with Dr. Kate Riegle van West about our global aging population, the research on poi and health, and how spinning poi can benefit seniors.

5 Science-Backed Ways Playing Poi Improves Quality of Life for Seniors
Can a simple ball on a cord really improve our health age we age? Let’s dive into the top 5 science-backed ways that spinning poi can improve quality of life.

Poi Helps Rehab Patients at Middlemore Hospital
Rehabilitative Therapy Assistant Joanne Paton shares her experience starting one of the most popular exercises on the ward.

Focus, Fun and a Good Laugh: Poi in Residential Care
Activity Coordinator Elaine shares her experience playing poi in a Residential Care Home in the UK.

The Effects of Poi on Physical and Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults
The results of the first scientific study on the effects of poi on health as published in the peer-reviews Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.

Poi Health Benefits Equal Tai Chi
Radio New Zealand interviews SpinPoi about the scientific research behind the health benefits of poi.

Poi and Parkinson’s in a Geriatric Hospital
An inside looking the amazing work care worker Anja Lohoff is doing with Parkinson’s patients in a hospital in Germany.
Poi and Kids

DIY Poi for Kids to Silver Sneakers
Teacher, photographer, super mom, and blogger Colleen Vandenberg shares her experience with SpinPoi and making/playing poi with her boys for the first time.

Poi Spinning: Easy Crafts for Kids
Looking for fun things to do with kids at home? Poi spinning is an easy craft that will keep kids engaged for hours on end.

Bruno Rubini: Poi from a Tai Chi Perspective
Tai Chi instructor Bruno explains what Tai Chi and Qi Gong are, and reflects on his experience learning poi and some of the differences and similarities between the two activities.

Dr. Kate Riegle van West: What Poi Can Do For Your Health
Newsroom interviews Dr. Kate Riegle van West of SpinPoi about how this Māori tradition can help keep the mind and body fit.

Jill Maglio: Circus Arts & Occupational Therapy
Founder of Holistic Circus Therapy Jill Maglio discusses the power of circus arts as occupational therapy exercises.

Rosie: Poi and Parkinson’s
Care worker Anja and handicraft extraordinaire Rosie sat down for a chat about Rosie’s life, her Parkinson’s diagnosis, and how Rose Poi is helping an entire hospital in Germany spin their health around.

Dr. Kate Riegle van West: 40 Under 40
From a network of over 200,000 alumni worldwide, Dr. Kate Riegle van West was selected as one of the University of Auckland’s 40 inspiring alumni aged 40 and under in 2021.