SpinPoi Koha Program

The SpinPoi Koha Program (koha meaning “gift” in the Māori language) offers free or subsidized resources to Māori or those facing financial hardship who would like to share the benefits of SpinPoi with their community. We believe that now more than ever accessible, affordable, evidence-based tools like poi will play an important role in supporting physical, mental, and emotional health. Therefore, we are here to support anyone who wants to be proactive about getting their community spinning. Simply explain via the form below which resource(s) from the SpinPoi shop you’d like to work with, and how they will specifically benefit you and your community.
If you are of Māori descent, you are eligible for free participation in SpinPoi’s services and resources. Please tick the “100% off (available for Māori only)” box in the form below. Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
We cannot guarantee that every application will be accepted, but we are committed to supporting each and every applicant to the best of our ability. We look forward to working with you to make the world a better place, one orbit at a time.
– Dr. Kate Riegle van West. Founder and CEO, SpinPoi Ltd