SpinPoi Fundamentals Course
Good for the mind, good for the body. Based on rigorous scientific research.
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Course Content
SpinPoi Fundamentals will teach you the building blocks of poi from the ground up. It is focused on simple and accessible movements, with an emphasis on concepts rather than specific “tricks.” By understanding these concepts you will unlock the gateway to infinite poi movements and combinations. This will not only benefit your personal poi practice, but enable you to facilitate poi sessions across a wide range of ages and abilities. The course is broken down into 6 modules as follows.
Getting Started
Manifest your first pair of poi, learn best practices for staying safe while you play, and follow along with a comprehensive warm up routine.
Modes of Movement
Explore the two fundamental ways your poi can move: swinging and spinning.
The first building block of poi is plane, or where your poi are in space. Explore swinging and spinning on the 3 main planes: wheel, wall, and horizontal.
The second building block of poi is direction, or which way the poi are moving in relation to you. Explore direction in relation to your planes.
The third building block of poi is timing, or how the poi are moving in relation to each other. Explore the two main timings: together and split.
Putting it Together
Learn how to use all the building blocks to facilitate poi sessions across a wide range of ages and abilities.
About the Instructor
Dr. Kate Riegle van West, Founder and CEO of SpinPoi, is an interdisciplinary researcher with a passion for play and wellbeing. She conducted the first study to scientifically investigate the effects of poi on physical and cognitive function, and is the leading expert on poi and health. She has over a decade of poi experience and currently works with organizations worldwide to implement poi as a tool for improving wellbeing.

Practicing poi helps keep the brain alive. It’s stimulating. It’s fun. It requires complex actions that keep the body and mind engaged. Poi just might help delay the onset of diseases that strike in old age like dementia. If you could delay Alzheimer’s onset by just five years, you could reduce its prevalence by 50 percent.
Sir Richard Faull
KNZM FRSNZ, Neuroscientist and Distinguished Professor

Poi could potentially be one of the most affordable, simple and effective interventions globally to alleviate the growing amount of depression, loneliness and isolation in older adults. We have seen our older residents smile or laugh out loud, socialize and develop new friendships, and engage both their minds and their bodies despite their age and physical or cognitive abilities.
Orquidea Tamayo Mortera
Registered Diversional Therapist, President of the New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapists

As a neurologist and as an individual with much need for physical activity, meditation and “flow”, I feel that SpinPoi’s work is very valuable. I think poi can be the next great tool to help those with anxiety, low self esteem, depression, body pain and who knows what else!
Ren Carna
Board Certified Neurologist specialized in clinical neurophysiology and neuromuscular disorders

SpinPoi Fundamentals includes the “25 Ways to Play” video for FREE!
Begin the fundamentals course now and join the revolution…